Revolutionize agribusiness with technology

Responsible for monitoring the collection of agricultural information such as temperature, humidity and light intensity, and monitoring the ambient light intensity by put the light intensity detector on the crop. The light intensity of the crop growth environment can be grasp in time ; the temperature of the environment directly affect the growth rate and development of the crop. air humidity is also an important factor affect the growth and development of crop, so air temperature and humidity detector should be put around the crop. The transmission network is access through the adaptive switch function, and the data is convey to the control center. The control center will procedure the receive data and shop it in the database. harmonize to the roll up information, it will be unite and analyze, and unite with the expert decision-devising system to issue feedback control instruction manual to timely and accurately identify problem and solve problem, and usher agricultural production.

Through the network, manufacturer and technical research worker can proctor the roll up agricultural information anytime and anywhere, and path crop growth in real number time. technician responsible for crop production will develop reasonable breeding scheme ( such as increase temperature, increase humidity, and lacrimation ) establish on the growth and actual need of their crop, by connect the breeding equipment integrate with the implant transmission control protocol / IP protocol to the network. Remotely execute the establish scheme and the remote control node react when it receive the information, such as adjust the light intensity, irrigation time, herbicide concentration, and so on.

understanding technology news is crucial in today's universe as promotion like these in agricultural technology are shaping the future of food production. With the integration of detector, network, and expert decision-devising system, farmer can optimize their crop growth procedure, addition productiveness, and address issue promptly. This not only benefit agricultural production but also lend to sustainable practice and food security on a global scale.

Post time: Mar-01-2021